Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738

Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738

Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738


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What is a fast but cheap to insure car?

Im 24, 6 years no claims bonus with 6 years driving and no fault crashes (only people have crashed into me) i have 7000 to spend on a car what is the fastest car i could get with the cheapest insurance? (i have extra money to spend on insurance seperately)



Tax and Insurance question for a Young Person?

Okay , Im 14 years old , and I cannot wait to start my real career (After some years of college) as a Video game producer (or) programmer. My mom says that what ever pay check I get from a job or career , the tax will take money from it. I've calculated my monthly payment from being a Video Game Producer , Which is $5208 a month. How much will money would I Really get after taxes are taken care of and if I have car and health insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?



Why won't an insurance company insure me since I had a claim in the last 5 years?

I had a fire claim in the last 6 months ($30,000 claim), and I am not happy with my current insurance company. It has taken them 6 months to pay out. I have been trying to get a quote from different insurance companies and they all say that they cannot give me a quote because I had a significant claim the last 5 years. Does anyone know of an insurance company that doesn't have this policy?



Auto insurance for 18 year old ?

I'm looking for the least expensive automotive insurance and was wondering what would be the typical monthly payment for an 18 year old driver who has had one accident about one year more



Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?

Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.



What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?

What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?



This country needs affordable health why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?

Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?



How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?

How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?



I want to get certified to sell car insurance?

I do not know too much about insurance, although the person that will be employing me has worked in the car biz for a long time and needs some one to deal with the insurance in his new business. Where can i get certified, does it take long, etc.? Please offer me any info.



Allstate auto insurance/full coverage - rental car?

Does anyone know if Allstate will cover me in a rental car? I have a full coverage policy on my car at the moment. Just wondering if I travel and rent a car would I still be covered?



What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 year old driver to get?

i dont have alot of money and need the cheapest insurance possible, that covers things somewhat. thankyou!!!



Exactley how does term life insurance work?

Whats the difference between regular life insurance and term?How does term work?



How can you avoid paying for expensive car rental insurance?

I drive a rental car, but the insurance is very expensive. I have to pay a daily price. I have non owners insurance, but that does not cover collision. Is there a way to avoid paying these prices as they are so expensive but still have full coverage? I tried to insure the car but I couldn't being that it isn't minds. The non owners policy is legal but it doesn't cover the car. Thanks for any suggestions.



My car was taken to the compound on friday in the uk when the driver was found to have no insurance.....?

However i have got insurance and so when i go to the station to have the form stamped so i can go to the compound and collect my car back, The police tell me i have to produce my licence as well...problem is i cant find it.. so i go to dvla internet site and order form to get a new licence....But this can take 3 weeks to come back and unfortunately the car gets crushed in 2 weeks, But the law says i can continue driving even tho i havent got my licence card ...because i do have a licence but its been lost and im waiting on my new one coming.A Please dont answer if you are only speculating on what you think you know i havent got time to read brain dead answers from all you dick eds on here. Nor do i want your personal opinion on the situation as it is a Question.. put on a Question Board wanting an answer...Not a message board asking for your opinion so use the board as it should be used and stick to the rules...answer the question ...if you cant ...then dont waste my time and yours



Car insurance for a day/week for a learner

Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks



My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?

Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?



How much will car insurance cost me? a 18 yr girl in PA no violations or accidents on my record?

How much will car insurance cost me (est.) ? a 18 y/o girl in PA no violations or accidents on my record



What is the cheapest car insurance?

I passed my driving licence in August 2012 and i want a small cheap car?



What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?

What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?



What companies offer instant online auto insurance proof?

**I don't need quotes, I need printable proof of insurance** I know The General offers instant proof of insurance by printing it straight from the internet, are there any other auto insurance companies that offer it?



Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old?

I am currently looking for a car, such as fiat punto 1.2 or vauxhall orsa 1.0 - 1.2. I have only passed my driving test about 5 months ago and I'm thinking about purchasing a small first car. The only issue is the the expensive insurance, could any recommend me a good insurance company that supports young unexperienced drivers. Please don't include comparison websites such as, because they don't really help. So far I've found co-operative car insurance company really good with a really good deal for young drivers. Thanks everyone in advance!



I'm 18, just got my first car and looking for affordable car insurance?

- I live in New York - I can't go under on neither of my parents policy.



What is the cheapest car insurance place?

Does anyone know a good cheap insurance company for state minium in Tulsa, OK? I pay 150 a month now. i have tried places such as Safe auto, Farmers. etc. All those places are way to high. Im 19, drive a Saturn L300. If that helps with anything. Im looking for something Cheaper than 150. Thanks guys.



File auto insurance claim or pay out-of-pocket in NJ?

My 17yo daughter just got her graduated NJ license, skidded on wet corner, causing $1300 in damage to wheel & susp. We have $500 deductible. Can we ask our insurance co. how much our rates will go up if we file a claim, or will that automatically flag her for additional points?



Can I drive my parent's car without auto insurance?

I am 22 , university student with G2 - 2006 , and G - 2008 license , Richmond Hill , Ontario , Canada can I drive my DAD car , his policy does not have my name . in case my name must be included , what are the suggested insurance companies ( probably need a cheap one ) because they might double his monthly payments


Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738

Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738


Would a Honda Rebel 250 be a good starting motorcycle?

I still do not have my license. I intend on getting it soon. I've waited too long to get it. But I would like to own a motorcycle instead of a car. I don't live anywhere near the cold so, icy roads aren't a problem. And I am 5 foot 2, so I'm guessing this would be a good choice of motorcycle. Oh, and if you own a motorcycle, could you answer a few questions for me? Do you need a special license for it? And is the insurance a killer? Thanks for all of your help.



What does the car insurance go buy for grades?

does the car insurance deducation for grades go by all them added up such as a G.P.A. or all of them individual. also what grade do you need for the deducation i think it's a B but im not sure. fyi im a boy and have an 86 GPA



I have a 12 yr old economy car in California and would like to buy the minimum amount of liability insurance.?

My agent is telling me $850 a year. That sounds expensive. Does anyone have suggestions?



If i was to buy a 1.4litre car would my insurance be cheaper than what it is just now?

I am driving a 1.6litre at the moment



Which parent must pay for my car insurance?

My parents are divorced, and live in different states. I live in Florida with my mom, and my dad lives in Virginia, unfortunately. Anyhow, I get my license Feb 4th, and I'm also getting a car, and my mom is forcing my dad to pay for my insurance on top of my child support and various other fees she hits him with. My question is, can I be on my dad's insurance policy even though he lives in another state, or do I have to be insured under my primary possessive guardian(my mom) whom which I live with. Because if not, she is demanding that my dad pay for my insurance, full, a year beforehand, which at my age is close to $2,000. Thanks :)



Can I buy motorcycle inssurance and not have parents know about it?

I'm 22 I live in my own apartment but my parents pay car insurance can I get a seperate insurance for a motorcycle and not have my parents know about it, also my friend who rides said bike insurance can be very cheap I just want minimum coverage how much would it be, thx!



Hit and run but the victims car didnt have insurance?

ok so i was in a private parking lot and i accidently scratched another car i left because i was stupid and got scared. the cops came and found me the next day and i got charged with more



Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?

Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?



My truck got totaled, now the insurance wants to give me crap for payout. Can I negotiate?

I had a 2000 Sierra that was probably the nicest truck in town. I have pictures of how it looked, videos of how it ran, and plenty of people to testify it was a nice ride. The insurance wants to give us crap for payout saying that the truck was average to poor condition. Even after stripping off most of my aftermarket stuff, I still have a few thousand $$ still on the truck. I know they don't cover aftermarket stuff, but if I can't take it off, I should be compensated for it. Can I negotiate with them or do I have to take what they offer me? I've already told them that I don't like what they offered me since my truck wasn't the junk car they are paying me for. Can they turn around and just tell me they won't pay anything since I didn't take the first offer?



Should 17 year old pay their insurance?

What age should they start? And is 300 horsepower on a car fast? How much would a car that fast cost? Too fast for a 17 year old?



Finding health insurance that covers meds?

i turn 26 next year and i really need health insurance when i get kicked off my parents plan... i dont know what to do. what is just the most inexpensive way to get my meds? i take adderall and paxil. thank you



What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?

What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?



Where to get home insurance.............?

is it always required to purchases a home insurance while buying a home.. or is it required only if we are availing a home loan or is it optional? what does this home insurance actually covers...if we take a home insurance , is it not required to pay the loan back in the event of death of the borrower.. which insurance company provides best home insurance with reasonable rate?



Will car towing service affect my future insurance quote?

I had my insurance company tow my car today(roadside assistance), will the towing service increase my future insurance quote? Thanks.



Best place to get business Insurance?

Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?



What do i do with no insurance? when i go to the doctor and no insurance?

i work at mcdonalds part time, and have no insurance or health benefits, how do i get insurance to pay for doctors visits? How can i afford health insurance or where do i apply 4 health insurance?



Insurance on parents car, learner?

basically, i wish to start learning to drive and i personally would prefer to be put on my mums insurance (50 moth quote from her insurance people with me as a learner) as i want to be taught by my dad rather than an instructor (many with dad then instructor after a few months) my question is; if i crash the car, with me driving with L plates with my dad/mum in passenger could or would i effect their no claim bonus OR put their premiums up? they only have a small 1.2



How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?

I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.



How much do you pay for car insurance?

I live in new jersey, 20 years old, I drive a 1996 oldsmobile, and I'm on my boyfriends parents insurance paying 115$ a month, my boyfriend and I share the car, he's 23 & the insurance was originally 80 then it went to 115$ because his sister got in an accident...I would like to know how much do you pay & what's your insurance company?




I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?



How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?

How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?



Is Health Insurance Innovation a good insurance company?

I'm scouting for a cheaper health insurance plan and so far Health Insurance Innovation offers a cheaper price. It's $50/month for pretty basic stuff and it's $2500 deductible.



Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?

Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?



The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?

The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?



Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?

Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.


Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738

Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738


How can you keep your car insurance rates as low as possible?

Car insurance rates fluctuate from company to company. What tips can you offer others to help secure the most competitive rate? Yahoo! Canada Answers staff note: This question is asked by Gregory Ellis, co-founder of the the insurance shopping service Visit for more information.



Would my insurance policy rate go up?

If I report a hit and run to my insurance company would my policy rate go up?



Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?

Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.



Does my 17 yr.old need car insurance to drive my car?

in connecticut



Accountant, Insurance, and Cars, please answer?

How do I get an accountant? what things will he need to work with and how do I go about getting one? Liability insurance? How do I get it? And how much will it be for gardening roughly? Van insurance? What details will I need to get this insurance? How do I go about paying tax within a self employed company?



I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?

I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?



How much does insurance cost a month?

Okay, I'm 21 years old and I'm a full time college student I work part time and I live with my mother and step-father. I'm on my fathers insurance. My father is a Department of Transportation worker he has worked for the state for about 33 years. He has PEIA insurance. He called me today and was complaining cause he got a doctors bill for me for $35...he wanted to know why and I said idk maybe it was a mistake can you pay it since it's not that much...and then he goes into this whole thing how he pays my insurance every month...blah blah blah...but he doesnt realize that my mom and my step dad do everything else I mean they pay my other bills. He hasn't paid anything since I turned 18 except for insurance (he won't even take out a loan for my mom and I do that). I pay my car insurance,gas, and cell phone bill out of my part time job check cause I commute to school. He has the nerve to call me and gripe over $35!!! WTF?!?! Does anyone know how much he pays a month or about how much he pays?



1 day or Weekend Auto Insurance?

Hi Guys, I have a car that has no insurance on it since i am not using it any more but still runs good. I need to travel to NY from Detroit this weekend and again don't need it any more there in NY. Are there any cheap Auto Insurance firms that give us auto insurance for the weekend only. Thanks a lot for the help.



Minnesota health insurance?

Can a single person with no children, and who has lost there job, get this insurance?



Estimate on how much my car insurance will be?

I'm financing a new (or relatively new) car pretty soon, it's probably going to be a Nissan Altima which is a very safe car and is probably going to be either brand new or no more than 1 - 3 years old. I'm just worried about how much I'm going to be paying for full coverage insurance because I haven't had a car in a couple years thus I haven't had car insurance in a while and when I did, it was only no-fault insurance. Also, I'm young (22) so that will make my insurance high. However, I have a spotless driving record so that should help. I also live in a safe county if that matters. Anyone have a ball-park figure on how much I can expect to be paying, monthly? Thanks.



Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?

I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question



Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?

ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.



Which type of motorcycle will have the cheapest insurance for a begginer (or any specific bikes)?

also It would be helpful if you could tell me some bikes that have low cost to operate over their lifespan...



California to nevada, is insurance more?

moving to nevada, is auto insurance more from CA to NV?



Car insurance question?

I am 16 years old and I will be getting my liscence soon. I am really excited to be able to drive and not to the bus to clas anymore and be able to meet my friends whenever but my parents are making me pay car insurance on my own and they will get me a car. Probably a toyota or something like that. How much will it cost I do have a good amount already saved up but i would like to get an idea of how much it will cost me thanks



Buying health insurance for the first time?

I'm looking to buy health insurance, but not sure what type to get. I'm very healthy and have no children so it would be just for myself. Should I do a co-pay plan? HMO or PPO? Not sure.



Why are these insurance premiums so high?

so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...



Sportbike insurance for 16 year old?

I was curious about getting a 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR any idea how much the insurance would be??



Car insurance? 10 points?

I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points



Average insurance rate for a taxi?

in bakersfield ca



Does full coverage car insurance cover a car that just dies?

I have full coverage car insurance on my car (for legal/employment reasons), comprehensive, collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, rental, etc. Yeah, its an 99 Accord. What I never asked, and now want to know, is if it just dies (cus its about that time that if it did I wouldnt be surprised) will I get the value of the car? I know I do get its value if it is stolen or totaled or vandalized, but does that apply to car death? Pretty sure if it stopped working the cost to fix it would be more than the car is valued at, does that count as totaling? I am getting to that point where the car may be worth more to me stolen or wrecked. I hate dealerships otherwise I might consider a trade-in, but I don't know why anyone would buy it??? I would feel dishonest selling to anyone else, poor saps. I do better off finding someone who is selling a fixer upper. (I got this car for 500 bucks and I put 70,000 miles on it, not too shabby.) I know a guy who can fix up cars real cheap, but when its time, sometimes there is nothing you can do. The car is Kelly Blue Booked between 2900-4500, so would I get a decent price from insurance if I let it die under full coverage?



Insurance for additional drivers has shot up?

I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance.



How much is motorcylce insurance?

Does the price vary from different insurance companies, and if so would it be cheaper then car insurance?



What is the cheapest car insurance for me on my own plan???

i have a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 5 sp. sxt. almost 19 yrs old. i have a failure to yield ticket in feb. of 07. i live in Porter County, IN what is the best insurance for me???



Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?

I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance


Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738

Grayling Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49738


What Auto Insurance Company do you use and would recommend?

And have you ever heard of western general insurance company / Insure Express? They have a pretty good rate, but I've never heard of them before.



Car insurance coverage help!?

Currently I have a financed car. And is still currently paying for it monthly. After doing some research and purchasing my car insurance coverage - State Farm. My dad insisted he will help me with all the process. However, after he and I got done with everything. My coverage are, A - Liability P20 - Personal Injury Protection U, W uninsured and underinsured And finally these two: D - 500 Deductible Comprehensive G - 500 Deductible Collision which I learn online it is OPTIONAL to have: ( SO WHY DO I NEED IT EXACTLY THEN? my dad try explaining it but it didn't get through my hot head. ) So can anyone please tell me is it a requirement for me to have those to coverage D & G, if not I would really like to get it off and save some money instead of throwing it out the window. Thanks.



On average what is my auto insurance going to cost if I go with geico or progressive in los angeles?

I need to know seriously



I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??

i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe



How does business insurance work in a lawsuit?

As a small business, I'm finally getting around to looking at business insurance. God forbid I should get sued, but that would be the only reason I would get insurance at this point. If I get sued (assuming I did nothing wrong that would terminate coverage), what are my responsibilities with regard to paying legal fees? What role will the insurance company play or what control will they have in the litigation process?



Question about car insurance on L PLATES in england?

Hi there,i was wondering if you could please help me here i am due to take my theary test soon but befour i do i was going to get a car and drive round on L PLATES with my lessons aswell so i can get extra experiance,i was just wondering if i am to do this il get the car inshored forwhat it costs me to insure say its 700 a year when i have passed my best i will wanna take the L PLATES off,will i have to pay more for my insurance after this or can i just take them off and drive as normal when i have passed my test?because if i got insured on LPLATES it is cheaper then a first pasts driver thas why i was confused.if you could please let me know because i really could do with the estra experiance....and also i was told that who ever i drive round with on LPLATES has to be insured on my car for them to be able to instruct me is this true? thanks for your time and help many thanks, Andrew.



Car Insurance problem?

I need to renew my car insurance in the next few days but I am also moving to a new address in under 3 weeks time. This new address offers me much cheaper car insurance. I don't use my car much and can do without using it all for 3 weeks. If it is parked on the road and fully taxed is it a legal requirement to insure the vehicle even if it isn't used. I can live with it being stolen or damaged but I wouldn't want to be fined for being uninsured. The only problem with insuring the vehicle under my current postcode is that I'm at the whim of the insurance companies to what discount they offer me when I actually move. All the insurers I have phoned can't guarantee a fixed price for the new postcode if I register my the policy under my current postcode for the first 3 weeks. My main concern is not to do anything illegal so at the end of the day it's not worth saving money if I am going to get in to trouble or be fined.



HEY TEENS! How much are you paying for car insurance?

Anyone under 20, what do you pay for auto insurance? And what do you drive? Are you on your parents insurance? Did you use to pay more or less before?



Car Insurance for Citroen Saxo?

So i've been looking at cars seeing as im 17 and learning to drive. Well i really like a car ive seen which is a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre and 2003 model. Round about how much insurance would it be? one of my parents would be on the insurance also and they have no claims. I'm female by the way if that makes much of a difference? Help would b appreciated :)



I need to get some car insurance quotes!?

What are the best sites to get a free quote? Also what is the basic insurance you should get?



Equity Indexed Universal Life Insurance - pros/cons?

I am looking at using this financial vehicle. Does anyone have any experience with it? Good? Bad?



How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?

I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011



What is a cheap car insurance company in Arizona?

I'm looking to find a cheap insurance company to insure my car in Arizona. I was paying 116 a month for it at the general and I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheaper place.



Affordable Health Insurance for small business owner?

I own a small retail store in CT and just received notice that my health insurance (for my family as well as my employees) went up by 23% (!). Now I'm trying to research online what the best options are in terms of affordability and coverage. I looked into HSA but am afraid that my employees might not be able to pay the high deductible out of pocket. I also wonder if getting individual health insurance (not via the business) would work if I pay a portion for each of my employees and if those tend to be less expensive. I pay 100% for my employees now and partly for their family members and would like to continue doing that but the prices are just getting ridiculous. If anyone has any suggestions I really appreciate it. Sadly, I am not internet savvy so shopping online has proven to be hard and insurance jargon just seems like a foreign language to me... :) Thank you



Adding child to car insurance policy?

I was looking up insurance for myself its 900+ for six month which I expected but if my mom adds me to hers will it be any cheaper?



Is it a smart Idea to get a Life Insurance at the age of 21?

Is it a smart Idea to get a Life Insurance at the age of 21?



Car Insurance query?

I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.



Will my insurance cover my newborn?

Ok right now i have Gateway, (I know, not the best insurance) my fiancee does not have insurance threw his job, but will my insurance cover my babys when she is born in September? Or how do i go about getting it?



NY parked car accident insurance laws.?

Some guy hit my car while it was parked in the road. He knocked on the door and gave me his insurance policy and other information. I live in Rochester, NY and my insurance provider is AIG. If i file a claim, who's insurance pays for the damages (new fender and door)? Will there be a deductible on my part? Will my premiums go up? Doesn't NY have some stupid no-fault law? Or should i just make him pay for everything out of pocket?



Why are my wife's health insurance rates going up?

2 days after Obama signed the new health care law, my wife received and email from her health insurance company. Her monthly rates, and her deductible will be going up. Ah.. wait a minute... isn't the new health care law supposed to make health insurance more affordable????



How do I find an affordable individual health insurance plan that includes maternity coverage?

I'm going to pull my hair out! Maybe I should perch atop a clock-tower until someone provides me coverage? Seriously, I have spoken to half a dozen insurance people and the best more



I just turned 18 and I don't want to take driver's ed, how much will my car insurance go up?

Due to multiple arrests, I wasn't able to get my license until I turned 18. Well now I'm 18 and able to get my license, I don't have the money for driver's ed though. I was just wondering how much my car insurance would go up if I don't take driver's ed.



I am international student , i need to apply health insurance(Texas)?

where should i go?(houston, Texas) what stuff should i prepare or anything i should biring



Full Coverage Insurance for financed vehicles ?

If i get financed for a car, do i have to pay full insurance for that car ? I live in NY. If yes, any idea how much full coverage would be for an 2004 acura tl ?



Why can auto insurance co legally discriminate?

Like gender, age, seems like everything (When you run tests through their quote systems) How can they legally discriminate like that? like 50% of the variables are user's preference determines the problem (Like having a classic, red sportscar, that's not my personality type but it raises rates)


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